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PAT Testing solutions for the Entertainment Industry

From Nightclubs and Mobile Disco operators to Bands, Artists and Event Organisers - we have a solution for you.

The entertainment industry is a sector that nearly everyone of us will use at some time. We have all come to know and enjoy as it forms part of our everyday life in many different ways. For a Business owner or employer operating within this sector there is a very clear responsibility to ensure that any Electrical Systems and Appliances that are used in conjunction with the business are subject to a regular programme of maintenance to ensure that they will operate without causing a danger or risk to others.

It is very important to realise that PAT Testing is, for a specialised company such as ours, a very simple process and helps to ensure that you meet the requirements of any applicable legislation that is currently in place and need not be either costly or time consuming to implement into your business forming part of your Health & Safety policy.

There is much legislation in place to ensure that Risks and Danger from Electrical Appliances is minimised through a regular programme of inspection and testing.

There is however very little that would help in a situation where a decision had been taken by an employer or business owner not to carry this out on the grounds of cost or failing to employ such a maintenance plan should an incident occur 

The simple fact is that legislation exists which places a "Duty of Care" on all business's including the self employed to ensure that electrical appliances used are maintained in a safe condition so as not to cause danger - This Legislation is not optional and has to be complied with regardless of time or costs involved.

We have always appreciated the above and for this reason we have ensured that we offer a range of cost effective solutions that will encourage those who are self employed, business owners and employers that have previously not carried out PAT testing due to financial reasons to do so in the future.

Select the most appropriate business type for you from the links on the left side of this page to find out more information for your business type

Alternately contact us using the information on the "Contact" page of this website to find out more of how we can tailor make a solution to meet your needs or to be able to discuss and requirements or questions you may have.




Telephone 0845  6430623     Mobile 07790 499892    Email: info@mp-pat-testing.com

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